Blue Light Symphony Orchestra - vacancies for string players at free workshop on Sunday 30th May

Type of post: LMO bulletin
Sub-type: General
Posted By: Joanna Bosanquet
Status: Archived
Date Posted: Tue, 25 May 2021
The Blue Light Symphony Orchestra is holding it’s first post lockdown workshop on Sunday 30th May at Grey Coat Hospital School in Westminster and we have spaces for string players. We will be playing Beethoven’s 8th Symphony. The BLSO aims to improve the wellbeing of emergency workers through music and although our players are mostly emergency workers, we welcome other players who would like to join us for a day of great music in a friendly and supportive atmosphere.
The workshop will be fully covid compliant and socially distant within the current guidelines. Attendees will be limited to 30, temperature screened on arrival and asked screening questions. One of our trustees, Dr Richard Gorrod, a retired GP, will be present to ensure the event is covid safe.  A full risk assessment will be published on our website this week.
Please email for further information and to book your place. You must have a confirmed booking before attending due to limited numbers. Participation is free but donations are welcome here we usually charge £15 for our workshops but because it has been so long we just want to encourage everyone to get together by offering it for free.
You will arrive at 10:30 for an 11:00 start. Lunch will be 1 – 2pm and the day will finish at 5pm.
Watch our new video all about what we do here
We hope to see some of you on Sunday so please email us. We are so excited to get back to making music in person!